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Transform Your Body
with Lymphatic Massage Detox

 A lot of things get thrown around on the internet regarding “detox.” There are teas, liver cleanses, and colon cleanses, just to name a few.  Did you know that the lymphatic system is actually a “waste disposal” system in the body?  

The lymphatic system is what actually detoxes your tissues, and lymphatic massage can speed up how fast your body moves out these toxins by about 40%.  That is quite a big difference.  Read on to find out more about how lymphatic massage can benefit your body – from facilitating detox to improving digestive problems.

whole body lymphatic detox



1.  Promotes a Healthier Body

2.  Rids You of Toxins (Mold, BII Associated Toxins, ETC.)

3.  Improves Your Immune Function

4. Helps with digestive functions

5. Reduces Swelling in Clogged Lymph Nodes

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Lymphatic Massage gets the lymphatic system flowing again so we can purge toxins effectively.


Toxin exposure is a reality of daily life for each and every one of us.

We take in toxins from the air we breathe, the medications we take, the food products we eat, the chemicals we use to clean our house, etc.  These toxins get lodged in the tissues of our body, making us into a bit of a waste dump unless we get them moved away.  

While our Lymphatic System is what is responsible for purging these toxins from our bodies, it can get clogged up.  From the processed foods we eat to our days where we don’t move as much as we should to our inadequate fluid intake, these things add up to a clogged lymphatic system.

Some people who have had breast implants, as another example, have had years of direct exposure to silicone (even if they haven’t ruptured because the shell is made of silicone), heavy metals found in the implants, and oftentimes mold.  Lymphatic massage is great for helping to remove toxins from the body associated with Breast Implant Illness (BII).

Lymphatic Massage gets the lymphatic system flowing again
so we can purge toxins far more effectively.
whole body lymphatic detox


Powerful Whole Body Detox for
Health & Healing

Stop Feeling Sluggish

If you are feeling sluggish and need a detox, getting Electro-Lymphatic Therapy (ELT) or Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) (also known as Lymphatic Massage) are powerful ways to purge toxins from your body and set your body on a pathway to health and healing.  

Lymphatic Massage flushes toxins from the body’s tissues that have become stagnated.  

It’s not a bunch of hype.

A Clear Lymphatic System is Critical to Having a Healthy Body.

While the lymphatic system historically has received far less attention than its cousin the circulatory system, the medical community is beginning to take note of its significance in people’s overall health and well-being.  (See this article from the National Institutes of Health for more information about the importance of the lymphatic system.)

Our Lymphatic System is the major highway that transports waste away from our cells and helps bring them to our liver and kidneys (by returning them to the blood) for filtering out of the body.


Lymphatic Massage Albuquerque 


Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage

from a licensed professional who specializes in post op massage
To help get rid of those lumps


Didn’t Have Surgery?

Feel Better Today With a

Lymphatic Detox Massage
Get Relief for Your Swelling



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How to Use the Online Booking System

Shannon Goins, Certified Lymphedema Therapist - Pain & Swelling Solutions, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Certified Cupping Therapist
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Certified Alternative Wellness Practitioner
Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, L1

Terapeuta linfática certificada
LMT certificado por la junta

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Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

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Lymphatic Massage

Plastic Surgery?

Recover Faster with

Post Op Lymphatic Massage 

To Help Get rid of those lumps


Didn’t Have Surgery?

Feel Better Today With a
Lymphatic Detox Massage

Get Relief for Your Swelling



Shannon Goins, Certified Lymphedema Therapist - Pain & Swelling Solutions, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Certified Cupping Therapist
Shannon Goins-Blair, CLT-LANA
Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Board Certified LMT
Certified Alternative Wellness Practitioner
Certified Integrative Health Practitioner, L1

Terapeuta linfática certificada
LMT certificado por la junta

Having Trouble Making Your Appointment?

How to Use the Online Booking System


Am I the Right Therapist for You?


Recuperarse más rápido.
Sentirse mejor hoy.

Doy la bienvenida a los clientes
que hablan español.

Si no habla inglés, envíeme un mensaje de texto al 505-554-5185 o correo electrónico en español.

¡No hablo mucho español, pero estoy aprendiendo!

Puedo comunicarme contigo usando el traductor de google. Muchos de mis clientes no hablan inglés y no tengo problemas para comunicarme con ellos.

Pain & Swelling Solutions
2620 San Mateo Blvd NE, Suite E   

Map & Directions
Haga clic aquí para ver el mapa y las direcciones



Benefits of Lymphatic Detox

lymphatic drainage helps with facial rejuvenation


Lymphatic Detoxification is critical for most of the body’s functions, it’s not just to reduce water retention that causes puffiness and swelling in our bodies.  

By moving lymphatic fluid and reducing congested lymph, not only do you feel less swollen because of reduced fluid retention, but it has a cleansing effect.  By purging metabolic waste from your body leaving you feeling rejuvenated.


By stimulating lymph system circulation lymphatic fluid is purged from the body reducing swollen lymph nodes.  Lymphatic drainage also stimulates the immune system which helps you fight infection and it helps deliver nutrients to the body’s tissues.

Makes Your Face Look Brighter  

Part of the lymphatic drainage massage is done on the face and the strokes feel very much like a facial massage.  This leads to a brighter skin tone and overall facial rejuvenation.  Lymph drainage of the head and neck also helps alleviate sinus congestion by stimulating the movement of pockets of lymph that have stagnated.

Lymphatic Massage is Relaxing

Additionally, the gentle, slow, rhythmic, pumping movements of manual lymph drainage are hypnotic and will relax you even more than a standard massage.  Most people experience a state of deep relaxation as lymph blockages are cleared and lymph fluid begins to drain.  The light touch used to move fluid through the lymphatic vessels combined with the faint sensation of lymph draining under the skin often lulls people into sleep.


The Best Ways to Detox Lymphatic System


The “Magic” of Electro-Lymphatic Therapy

To make matters worse, much like trying to pour water down a drain that is already clogged, drinking more water doesn’t mean your lymph just starts moving again.

This is where the “magic” of Electro-Lymphatic Therapy comes into play.  

Unlike Manual Lymphatic Drainage which just tries to push jello-like lymph around, Electro-Lymphatic Therapy changes that jello-like lymph to a more water-like consistency.

The lymph can then move more freely through the lymphatic system, clearing out areas where it had been backed up.  This process is called “decongestion.”

Electro-Lymphatic Therapy decongests lymph - whole body detoxification albuquerque



Drink Plenty of Water 

Drinking Water Helps Move Lymph and Detox Your Body - Whole body detoxification Albuquerque

Despite our best efforts, most of us do not get enough water each day. Being even slightly dehydrated has a huge impact on your lymphatic system.
Imagine for a second that you have a straw and a bowl full of jello. You want to try to suck the jello through the straw. Difficult, right?

Now imagine the bowl is full of water that you want to get through the straw. Piece of cake!

When we don’t get enough water, our lymph changes its consistency from watery to more jello-like which means it is harder to move.

Get Up and Move

Most of us have sedentary lives, meaning we sit around a great deal – at work at our desks and at home on the couch or in bed. This lack of movement means that lymph isn’t being moved.
The lymphatic system does not have a big pump like our blood circulatory system. For lymph to make it into the lymphatic system from the area around the cells, we must move.

movement of the body moves lymph and helps with detox - whole body detoxification Albuquerque
Jump-Start Your Lymphatic Detox.
Get Your Lymph Moving Again.
Be a Healthier YOU.
manual lymphatic drainage albuquerque electro-lymphatic drainage albuquerque - whole body detoxification albuquerque

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Lymphatic Detox Appointment

Pain & Swelling Solutions
and feel better today!